How to find the gems of happiness in life
Being content is a skill we need to learn if we want to have a happy life. It's almost like another job we do as we go about our lives. We observe and watch for the little gems of happiness that pass through our lives every day. We become a miner for the gold and gems that life plants in our life. It is like panning for gold in a stream, where we sift through a lot of dirt, sand and rock to find the golden nuggets which are there.
Like a miner we are often in a dark place when we find a precious stone. When we bring it into the light we then see its true potential. When we work with it, cleaning off the dirt, chipping off the rock it's encased in we then begin to see its beauty.
Our attitude is the key to being content. Here's what Saint Paul says:
“Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.
“I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.
“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”
St Paul, Bible, English Standard Version, Philippians 4, Verse 11 – 13.
How do we learn to be content?
We have to look within ourselves to find true contentment. Saint Paul said “I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.” So in any situation he has learned to be content. The situation whether nice or nasty, good or bad he can be content. This happiness does not come from his outer situation but from his inner attitude and it is something he has learned. Like us he wasn't always content in every part of his life but he learned how to be content over time.
How can we be happy in whatever situation we find ourselves?
When we are in difficult situations, how do we find contentment there?
Being content comes from within ourselves. It doesn't come from outer things such as money, alcohol, food or property. While these may satisfy us for a while, the value we thought they had or the happiness they give us can quickly fade away. The money we accumulate can become a worry as we now try to hold on to it. The alcohol and food we consume can begin to bring ill health to us. The comfort from the things we posses can quickly fade as the novelty wears away.
Collecting gems
One of the adjustments we can make is to live in the here and now, to be happy now. Don’t' say I'll be happy in an hour's time or when this or that happens, decide to be happy Now. We can only be happy now, so lets grab any little bit of happiness we can find in this moment and make the most of it.. Look for the little things that add light and joy to you. These are little gems such as
A smile
A ray of sun light coming through the clouds,
The peacefulness of a flowing river or stream,
A tasty meal,
Anything we consider beautiful,
The sweet thoughts of a friend or lover,
The achievement or completion of a project, whether that's cleaning the floor or reaching a long term goal.
Collecting these gems will add a sparkle to your day. All these come together to create a beautiful piece of jewellery to brighten up the dull cloths that life gives us to wear. By collecting the jewels of joy we find scattered around us we can create a wonderful outfit to protect us from the rigours of life.
You may be going through a difficult time at the moment. Your focus is on getting yourself out of your current situation. However there are some good things going on around you. Just move you attention over to these bright spots so that the light and joy within them can come into your world. When we work our way through a rock we often find there's a precious stone within it. We learn a lesson, a skill which adds value and worth to our lives.
How does our contentment help others?
We naturally radiate how we feel to others. When an angry or happy person enters the room we can feel it. We can see they are happy or angry and we react to them. In the same way our own state of consciousness affects us and those around us. If we are content and at peace within ourselves, others will pick up on this feeling. In this way our happiness helps others in a subtle way. It's like a nice piece of jewellery we wear which adds a sparkle to other people's lives.
As we go through life, even when we are in the darkest of places, let's be like a miner, watching for the gems and gold that are in the rocks around us. Any little piece that adds something positive to a situation is a gem. Let's take note of them, treasure them and see them as gifts to help us see the beauty that life holds for us.
Wishing you love, joy and happiness as you search for the gems in your life.
*Ed Parkinson
If you'd like more info on being content have a look at the Spiritual Writings page by clicking here.